Seed balls shot with ecoDrones are primarily produced by women who live in rural areas and who are negatively affected by the climate crisis in economic and sociological terms.
ecording is a social enterprise that develops sustainable, innovative and technological solutions against the global climate crisis. Established in 2017, ecording aims to deliver solutions that can be created through the change and impact of the butterfly effect to humanity with innovative technologies. ecording supports the combat against the climate crisis around the world by utilizing the power of technology.
Everything in our life depends on nature and its parameters. Every solution we develop by learning and being inspired by nature exists to produce effect, benefit, technology and experience “according to nature”. This is exactly where ecording gets its name.
The meaning of the word “ecording to” derives from the English preposition “according to-”. It is translated into Turkish as "according to nature".
Seed balls shot with ecoDrones are primarily produced by women who live in rural areas and who are negatively affected by the climate crisis in economic and sociological terms.
Seed balls shot with ecoDrones are primarily produced by women who live in rural areas and who are negatively affected by the climate crisis in economic and sociological terms. With these works, ecording aims to create a sustainable income source for women living in rural areas with the motivation of supporting the reduction of economic inequalities caused by the global climate crisis.
Each technological solution developed contributes to the awareness of individual and corporate stakeholders of their responsibilities towards nature and to adopt a life in harmony with nature.
Each technological solution developed contributes to the awareness of individual and corporate stakeholders of their responsibilities towards nature and to adopt a life in harmony with nature. Launching a seed ball for every product/service/process marked ecoDrone not only provides a business model, but also an experience where people can touch nature from afar and take action against the global climate crisis. ecordingApp, on the other hand, helps people adopt sustainable living habits while supporting the transformation of individuals and institutions.
In addition to its vision and mission, ecording adopts the fight against climate change and its effects as its founding purpose, with every technological solution and business model it develops.
In addition to its vision and mission, ecording adopts the fight against climate change and its effects as its founding purpose, with every technological solution and business model it develops. The main purpose of ecording is to develop sustainable, innovative and technological solutions against the climate crisis. In this context, ecoDrones serve for forestation and biodiversity studies, while ecordingApp serves to reduce carbon emissions. ecording aims to strengthen its fight against the climate crisis with 7 different technology products in 5 different continents by 2030.
Unmanned aerial vehicles ecoDrones serve for forestation studies and increase biodiversity by shooting seed balls in hard-to-reach areas.
Unmanned aerial vehicles ecoDrones serve for reforestation studies and increase biodiversity by shooting seed balls in hard-to-reach areas. Increasing the presence of forests is a solution to desertification and drought, as well as increasing biodiversity and protecting existing ecosystems.
ecording establishes partnerships with civil society, universities, public and private sectors to combat the global climate crisis, which means a problem of all humanity.
ecording establishes partnerships with civil society, universities, public and private sectors to combat the global climate crisis, which means a problem of all humanity. The knowledge and expertise of public institutions and universities are utilized in such matters as responding to the needs by using the power of technology in improving the developed technologies, increasing forestation and biodiversity. ecording, which makes financial sustainability sustainable by partnering with brands and institutions, serves sustainable development purposes with multi-stakeholder partnerships.
ecording is a member of the GreenTech Alliance, an international community of companies working in the GreenTech field.
ecording became one of the 3 startups selected for the “imece 3rd Support Program” among 160 social enterprises in 2019.
ecording was selected as Turkey's 24th most successful startup in the "Corporate & Startup Day", which was held in partnership with the Istanbul Development Agency, Republic of Turkey Ministry of Industry and Technology, and Startup100.
ecording took part in the Big Bang Start-Up Challenge 2019 Final Stage, Turkey's largest startup competition, organized by ITU Arıteknokent, in which 10,400 startups participated.
ecording has been one of the 8 startups selected for the Workup Startup Acceleration Program, which is carried out in the main partnership of İşbank and Kolektif House in 2021.
ecording was chosen as the eco-friendly startup of the year by Vogue Turkey in 2021.
ecording has been one of the 5 startups selected for the Hackquarters HSBC Sustainable Growth Program, which received 130 applications from 23 countries.
ecording has been one of the 13 startups selected for the 3rd term of the StartUpCampus Program organized by Endeavor Turkey in cooperation with Akbank.
ecording was deemed worthy of the "Startup of the Year" award at the Sustainable Business Awards 2020.
Mert Karslıoğlu, the founder of ecording, was included in the Fortune Turkey 40 Under 40 list for 2020 and 2021.
With the ecoDrone product, ecording won the Sabri Ülker Environment Award, which is given to Turkey's most prestigious environmental projects.
ecording represented Turkey in the international arena by being selected for the global stage of Accelerate2030, which focuses on scaling the solutions brought by high-impact startups to local, national and global problems.
ecording has been one of the global impact startups selected for the WSA TOP 40 among 290 global startups.
ecording has been one of the 15 social enterprises supported in the global phase of the Accelerate2030 program organized in cooperation with UNDP and Impact Hub.
ecording became one of the 7 social enterprises that made it to the finals on a global scale in the European Development Bank Social Cohesion Contest.
By becoming our partner, touch nature and strengthen your bond with your customers while combating the global climate crisis together.
Our supporters and business partners have supported us in increasing our impact.
ecording is a social enterprise that develops sustainable and innovative environmental technologies against the global climate crisis.
Established in 2017, ecording aims to bring solutions that can create change and impact through the butterfly effect to humanity through innovative technologies, and to support the fight against the climate crisis in the world by using the power of technology.
A group of academics led by Johan Rockström and Will Steffen, “Planetary Borders: Searching for a Safe Space for Humanity” scientific article named. Within the framework of the article, 9 critical thresholds in the climate crisis were mentioned.
These include climate change (carbon emissions and melting glaciers), deforestation and land-use change, loss of biodiversity, consumption and cycle of fresh water, nitrogen and phosphorus cycles (food production), ocean acidification, chemical pollution, atmospheric aerosols, and stratospheric ozone depletion.
According to the article, exceeding nine critical thresholds carries the risk of creating large-scale and irreversible environmental changes. In addition, exceeding one threshold can increase the possibility of other parts of the system exceeding their critical thresholds, in a domino effect.
As of 2022, we have exceeded four of the nine thresholds mentioned. These are climate change (melting glaciers and carbon emissions), deforestation, loss of biodiversity, and nitrogen and phosphorus cycles (food). Along with the fresh water cycle, these five thresholds that regulate stability and support our survival on earth are critical, and fortunately, we are not yet at a critical threshold for the fresh water cycle, but we are very close!
We have found the answer to the question of ‘Where do we start in the fight against the climate crisis?’ with this simplified scientific model. We set our 2030 and 2050 goals based on the positivist research of scientists. Our fight against the climate crisis within the framework of these 9 critical thresholds and in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals; We continue with the mission of developing sustainable, innovative and technological solutions.
In 2018, we started developing ecoDrones to prevent deforestation and biodiversity loss. With ecoDrones, the unmanned aerial vehicles we have developed, we aimed to support forestation and biodiversity studies in the world by using technology by shooting seed balls in hard-to-reach areas.
In 2021, we focused on reducing carbon emissions and developed ecordingApp. In ecordingApp, we aimed to ensure that environmentally friendly activities that people can implement in their daily lives turn into a habit with a reward system, with tasks for the benefit of the world. Our main motivation was to show people the tremendous change we can create individually, even with a 1% carbon footprint reduction per year, and to present that we actually have the solution through our actions.
Our fight against the climate crisis, which started with ecoDrones and continues with ecordingApp, is within the framework of critical thresholds constituting the borders of our planet until 2030. 4 We will support you with alternative technologies that we will develop. From 2030 to 2050, together with all our stakeholders, we are determined to repair the damage caused by the climate crisis in our world.
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