Everything you need to know about living in harmony with nature and sustainability is on ecoBlog!


We Were Selected to the Impact100 List: What is Norssken Foundation?

ecording has been selected for the 2022 Norrsken Impact100 list of the World’s Most Promising Impact Initiatives by Norrsken Foundation, the Centre for Technology and Impact Initiatives in Stockholm! In this way, we would like to share this honour with you and inform you about the Norssken Foundation while our logo is in Times Square in New York.

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2023 Climate Change Conference COP28: What is COP and Can it Save the World?

The 2023 Climate Conference, COP28 for short, will be chaired by Sultan Al Jaber, CEO of Abu Dhabi National Oil Company, the world’s third-largest fossil fuel producer. The fact that it will be held in Dubai and chaired by a fossil fuel company executive has already made COP28 very controversial. While tracing the 2023 Climate Conference, if you want to learn about the COP issue in all its details from the very beginning, if you are curious about the impact of COP28 at the point we have reached towards combating the global climate crisis, this article is for you.

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GHG Protocol (Greenhouse Gas Protocol): Why Are Scope 1, Scope 2, and Scope 3 Carbon Emissions Not the Same?

As climate change and environmental sustainability attract more and more attention, organisations and companies are using various tools and protocols to monitor and reduce carbon emissions. In this context, the GHG Protocol, or Greenhouse Gas Protocol, stands out as a specific carbon calculation and reporting standard. However, this protocol has three different “scopes”: Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3. In this article, we will examine what each scope represents, why carbon emissions are different, and the environmental impacts of these differences.

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Zero Waste Office: 7 Suggestions for a Sustainable Business Life

An office worker generates approximately 1 kg of office waste per day, consisting of paper, plastic, and food scraps. Switching to a zero waste system in the office not only helps the environment but can also reduce the company’s costs in waste management. Simple yet effective changes can assist in implementing Zero Waste policies, enhancing environmental awareness culture, and boosting business productivity. In this article, we’ll share tips on developing a waste-free office policy and increasing efficiency in your workplace.

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What is Refill and How Can It Contribute to the Planet?

Without radical action, the amount of plastic in the oceans is expected to triple by 2040. However, with a major transformational change, this amount can be reduced by 80 per cent. One of the most effective ways to reduce the use of plastic is to switch to refillable, reusable and refillable packaging. In this article, we examine refill and reuse solutions and examine some of the conscious brands with refill products in Turkey.

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