Meet nature's new generation climate crisis warrior: ecoDrone

ecoDrones are unmanned aerial vehicles that support forestation and biodiversity studies by shooting seeds and seed balls in hard-to-reach areas in the fight against the global climate crisis.

We took inspiration from the nature and designed what we learned from it.

Thanks to the seeds they carry, birds have played the most important roles in the formation of nature and natural forest ecosystems in different geographies of the world over the years and have been one of the main factors that make nature sustainable. Can we support the forestation and biodiversity efforts against the climate crisis with technology, inspired by this natural process? Here, ecoDrones were designed with the knowledge we learned from nature while seeking the answer to this question.


Each of the ecoDrones is developed by ecording to operate in harsh conditions, lift high weights and fly autonomously.


Each ecoDrone can perform autonomous missions 3 km from the take-off point, scanning an area the size of 1.5 football fields in 10 minutes and firing 6,000 seed balls.


ecoDrones use Re-Sense artificial intelligence technology to make sense of nature and its parameters. Thus, it is aimed to make seed ball shots based on data.


We need to better explore nature and its parameters with ecoDrone Re-Sense

ecoDrone Re-Sense launched by ecording as of 2022, is an artificial intelligence solution that analyzes the data collected from sensors and external sources placed on ecoDrones by machine learning, and makes seed sowing decisions autonomously based on data, making sense of big data in nature and improving future studies accordingly.


A protected environment for seeds against external factors

We aimed to protect the seeds that we shot with ecoDrones from the harsh conditions they encountered in the process until they germinate in nature.


Seed balls are the coalescences made by covering a seed with a mixture of clay, humus soil and different minerals for the fertility of the seed.


It is aimed to protect them from external factors such as extreme cold, heat, wind, and forest creatures eating the seed in the period until the seeds germinate in nature.


In order to keep the survival potential of the seeds used in planting studies with ecoDrones at the highest level after germination, seed types that are preferred in seeding and planting methods, suitable for the region's ecosystem and with strong spreading potential are preferred. 

In order to keep the survival potential of the seeds used in planting studies with ecoDrones at the highest level after germination, seed types that are preferred in seeding and planting methods, suitable for the region's ecosystem and with strong spreading potential are preferred.

In the research and cultivation studies carried out to date, Poplar (Colutea Cilicica), Sea buckthorn (Elaeagnus Angustifolia), Eastern Butterfly (Crataegus Orientalis), Scots Pine (Pinus Sylvestris), Black Pine (Pinus Nigra), Red Pine (Pinus Brutia), Taurus Cedar (Cedrus Libani) ) and Eastern Spruce (Picea Orientalis) species were preferred. In the continuation of the studies, it is aimed to create and protect biodiversity, to support endangered species and to include alternative species in the research calendar within the scope of various rehabilitation studies.


Research and development studies

We set out with ecoDrones to support forestation and biodiversity efforts all over the world.


Our work uses the power of technology to support forestation and biodiversity studies in the world and strengthen the fight against the global climate crisis with these studies. Unmanned aerial vehicles developed in this context, with ecoDrones...

Our work uses the power of technology to support forestation and biodiversity studies in the world and strengthen the fight against the global climate crisis with these studies. The unmanned aerial vehicles developed in this context include making the missions performed with ecoDrones fully autonomous, intelligent and data-based, as well as improving seed planting methods through experiments and observations.

In this context, the aim of the first phase of the R&D studies, which we started in 2021 with the partnership of Artvin Coruh University Faculty of Forestry in Turkey, is to improve the effect on the germination of seeds covered with different materials and mixtures that are likely to protect seeds from external negative effects during germination processes.

In the second phase of the research, it is aimed to determine all possible parameters that have a positive or negative effect on the successful germination and maturation of seeds in their natural processes and to analyze them with sensors placed on ecoDrones and data collected from external sources. In this way, it is aimed to plant autonomously and with artificial intelligence, taking into account the parameters in question before and after the seeds meet the soil.

After determining the mathematical reasons for germination success, it is aimed to create an algorithm on external factors such as the study region, origin species, field conditions and climatic conditions and to transform the relevant factors into meaningful productivity criteria. It is planned that these studies will also contribute to the creation of literature and to develop and expand the existing literature.


R&D studies, which ecording started with the support of the General Directorate of Forestry and in partnership with Artvin Çoruh University Faculty of Forestry, including direct planting with ecoDrones, forestation and biodiversity, continue with 8 different seed types in 4 regions in Turkey. 

R&D studies, which ecording started with the support of the General Directorate of Forestry and in partnership with Artvin Çoruh University Faculty of Forestry, including direct planting with ecoDrones, forestation and biodiversity, continue with 8 different seed types in 4 regions in Turkey.

In order to keep the survival potential of the seeds used in planting studies with ecoDrones at the highest level after germination, seed types that are preferred in seeding and planting methods, suitable for the region's ecosystem and with strong spreading potential are preferred.

ecording has been carrying out R&D studies on afforestation and biodiversity using ecoDrones to directly sow seeds in Turkey's 4 regions with 8 different seed types with the support of the Forest General Directorate and in partnership with the Artvin Çoruh University Forest Faculty. In the sowing studies carried out within the scope of the research plan, the germination rates of seed balls have ranged between a minimum average of 9% - 16% so far. The goal of these R&D studies is to increase the minimum germination rate of seed balls to 30.3% or higher by 2027.


What is ecording?

ecording is a social enterprise that develops sustainable and innovative environmental technologies against the global climate crisis.

Why was ecording established, and what is it aiming for?

Established in 2017, ecording aims to bring solutions that can create change and impact through the butterfly effect to humanity through innovative technologies, and to support the fight against the climate crisis in the world by using the power of technology.

How will we tackle the global climate crisis?

A group of academics led by Johan Rockström and Will Steffen, “Planetary Borders: Searching for a Safe Space for Humanity” scientific article named. Within the framework of the article, 9 critical thresholds in the climate crisis were mentioned. 


These include climate change (carbon emissions and melting glaciers), deforestation and land-use change, loss of biodiversity, consumption and cycle of fresh water, nitrogen and phosphorus cycles (food production), ocean acidification, chemical pollution, atmospheric aerosols, and stratospheric ozone depletion. 


According to the article, exceeding nine critical thresholds carries the risk of creating large-scale and irreversible environmental changes. In addition, exceeding one threshold can increase the possibility of other parts of the system exceeding their critical thresholds, in a domino effect. 


As of 2022, we have exceeded four of the nine thresholds mentioned. These are climate change (melting glaciers and carbon emissions), deforestation, loss of biodiversity, and nitrogen and phosphorus cycles (food). Along with the fresh water cycle, these five thresholds that regulate stability and support our survival on earth are critical, and fortunately, we are not yet at a critical threshold for the fresh water cycle, but we are very close! 


We have found the answer to the question of ‘Where do we start in the fight against the climate crisis?’ with this simplified scientific model. We set our 2030 and 2050 goals based on the positivist research of scientists. Our fight against the climate crisis within the framework of these 9 critical thresholds and in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals; We continue with the mission of developing sustainable, innovative and technological solutions.

In which areas are ecoDrones primarily used actively?

⊙ In bushes or forest areas where biodiversity is desired to be created
⊙ In the natural processes of plant and tree seeds, although it has the potential to be reached, in areas where external intervention may be difficult and necessary.
⊙ In areas where it would be preferable to accelerate forest spread
⊙ In areas desired to be rehabilitated with minimal human intervention
⊙ In bare areas with a pitch of more than 30%
⊙ In areas damaged by forest fires and in need of seed reinforcement

⊙ In dam basins and mine sites where rehabilitation is desired or where forestation works are difficult and risky.

We have compiled frequently asked questions for you.


From the hands of women who work for nature

Despite our sociocultural differences, we invite everyone to be united with the power of empathy and work to find solutions to the problems in the world in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. We take care to be fair to each other and to nature in the face of inequalities and adopt the motto of “Leave No One Behind!”


By producing the seed balls, which we shoot with ecoDrones, primarily with women who live in rural areas and who are adversely affected by the climate crisis economically and sociologically, we create a sustainable income source for them and we fight the global climate crisis together. 

One of the groups most affected by the climate crisis is the people living in the countryside. These groups, whose livelihoods are agriculture and animal husbandry, are faced with income inequality as they are directly affected by the climate crisis.

Developing special materials for the production of seed balls, women living in villages close to priority planting areas are trained on these materials. Seed balls produced by women after training are purchased by ecording. In this way, while the groups most affected by the climate crisis are provided with income, it is aimed to fight the climate crisis directly and together.


We go after the smallest life potential that can exist on earth.

We are fighting the global climate crisis by bringing new life potentials to nature in every operation we carry out with ecoDrones.


Analysis and germination tests are carried out with seeds obtained from suitable species determined by the Academy. Then, seed coating applications and mixtures are determined.


After the analysis and feasibility process, women who will produce seed balls and live in areas close to the planting areas are given training on seed ball production, and then the production process begins. After production, it is taken to the storage environment until the operation period.


After the sowing dates and areas of the seed types to be planted according to the region and altitude are determined by the Academy, the ecording team carries out the mapping of the fields before the operation period and creates flight plans.


After the completion of the field mapping and operation planning, seed balls are shot in the areas that are mapped with ecoDrones at appropriate periods and allocated for R&D purposes.


After the planting is completed, observation studies are carried out in the reference areas determined by the Regional Forestry Directorates, Artvin Çoruh University Faculty of Forestry and the ecording team. As a result of the scientific evaluation of the observations, actions, processes and targets on the field are determined.


Add sustainable value to your brand with ecoDrone

Discover the collaboration models you can do with ecoDrone for your brand and organization.


It is a cooperation model in which the ecoDrone mark is integrated into the products/services or transactions of brands, institutions and businesses, and the seed ball is thrown with unmanned aerial vehicles ecoDrones for each product/service or transaction.

Within the scope of ecording's “Product/Service/Transaction Sales Based Collaboration Model with ecoDrone (ecoDrone Labeled)”, for each ecoDrone labeled product, service or transaction integrated into the products, services or transactions of partner brands, seed and seed ball shoots are carried out primarily in hard-to-reach areas with ecoDrones and afforestation and biodiversity studies are supported. In addition, consumers can track the adventures of seed balls through QR codes integrated into ecoDrone Labeled products/services/transactions.


It is a cooperation model in which a seed ball is thrown with ecoDrone in the sustainability, corporate social responsibility, in-house social impact and human resources-based activities of companies, institutions or businesses periodically.

Within the scope of ecording's “Creative Collaboration Model with ecoDrone”, ecoDrone Labels are integrated into the sustainability, corporate social responsibility, in-house social impact and human resources-based activities that companies, institutions or businesses carry out periodically. In line with the periodic activities of the partners, seed balls are shot primarily in the hard-to-reach areas with ecoDrone, and afforestation and biodiversity studies are supported.

Integrate into our innovative solutions, join the fight against the global climate crisis now!

Start the fight against the global climate crisis today by creating environmental and social impact while achieving your brand's sustainability goals!